
Monday Apr 11, 2022
JumpStart - When the Cookie Crumbles
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
What do you do when everything seems to be going wrong and you don’t know where to begin to put things right?
My JumpStart guest today is Woobie Eldridge and she’ll help us put life back together after our cookie crumbles.
Lyn-Dee Eldridge (a.k,a. “Woobie”) is Chief Happiness Officer/Founder of Happiness Jungle® LLC and the Creator and Founder of Cuddle Me Love® LLC, The Cuddle Me Love Body Pillow®.
She is an Entrepreneur Mentor, #1 Best-Selling International Author, Keynote Speaker, Breast Cancer Survivor, Humorist, Creator/Producer/TV and Radio personality. The Host of, “I’m CraZy But You Can't Lock Me Up” podcast.
When your cookies crumble like Woobie’s has: cancer, abuse, divorce, grieving, single, co- and step-parenting, becoming a caretaker, business owner, and bankruptcy, you can learn how to work through everything with a happier, more positive attitude and purpose.
Learn more about Woobie: www.cuddlemelove.com, www.happinessjungle.com
Get a 10% discount, Plus Free Shipping and a Free Carrying bag (in the USA only) when your order a CuddleMeLove pillow and use the discount code: JumpStart HugsDo you ever feel like life has given you a pack of crumbled cookies?
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Thursday Mar 31, 2022
JumpStart - Red Carpet Service
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Thursday Mar 31, 2022
Think of some companies such as Disney, Southwest Airlines, and Starbucks and your mind thinks of very good customer service.
Doing business with these companies gives us a warm feeling and we are more likely to being their customers again.
Then there are companies, not to be named here, that we all know have poor customer service and we do our best to avoid these companies at all costs.
What makes the difference between just okay and great customer service?
My JumpStart guest Donna Cutting is the author of 3 books on the topic of red carpet customer service and employee experience.
Her new book, “Employees First! Inspire, Engage, and Focus on the HEART of Your Organization” is being released by Career Press on April 1, 2022. (no fooling!) She's the Founder & CEO of Red-Carpet Learning Worldwide and works with mission-driven leaders to help them create cultures of happy people who deliver red-carpet customer service.
* What you can do about The Great Resignation when "no one wants to work!"
* The number one thing leaders can do to create a culture where people WANT to work
* Current workplace trends so you can better embrace or navigate them
Download a free Red-Carpet Road Map to Reignite Your Company Culture at HTTP://www.redcarpetlearning.com
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Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
JumpStart - Social Justice
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Wednesday Mar 30, 2022
Many of the experts I get to interview in these JumpStarts teach us how to improve ourselves whereas my guest today takes a broader view and works on building social justice.
Dr. Omékongo Dibinga is the founding director of UPstander International, an organization designed to help individuals and organizations take a stand against injustice, wherever they see it.
Dr. Dibinga conducts trainings and provides keynote speeches on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. He is a professor of intercultural Communication at American University.
And, get this…he’s also an accomplished trilingual rapper and spoken word artist.
Get ready to explore new ways we can all help build a better society together…
And be sure to find out more about Dr. Dibinga at http://www.upstanderinternational.com
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Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
JumpStart - Restraint
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
Tuesday Mar 29, 2022
The Academy Awards…what a grand and huge spectacle.
Well, the other night one famous person made a spectacle of himself at the Academy Awards - Will Smith.
If you haven’t heard, Will Smith stormed up onstage during the Oscars and SMACKED Chris Rock on live TV.
As a movie buff and a huge Will Smith fan, I feel a need to unpack this moment and what it might teach us all…
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Monday Mar 28, 2022
JumpStart - Dancing in the Discomfort Zone
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Monday Mar 28, 2022
Fill in the following blank, “Change _____.”
If you’re like most people you’d say, “Change… is hard, stressful, difficult, the worst thing ever, or maybe even change sucks!”
And those are all very typical (and valid) responses but what if you could dance through change?
That’s what my guest Anne Bonney has taught thousands of people to do in keynotes and her podcast.
In this captivating interview, learn:
- The 4 areas we can focus on build resilience in the face of change and uncomfortable challenges
- How is dealing with challenges like being a mouse in a maze
- Tips for making the challenge of change a little less...terrible
And be sure to download Anne’s Difficult People Survival Kit: https://yourchangespeaker.com/different-survival-kit/
Join me LIVE Every Weekday Morning at 8 AM Eastern on Facebook:

Monday Mar 21, 2022
JumpStart - Leadership
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Monday Mar 21, 2022
Whether we like it or not, you, me, everyone -- we’re ALL leaders.
And as leaders, people look to us for guidance so it’s incumbent upon us to be the best leaders we can.
Lauren Schieffer, a.k.a. “The Colonel’s daughter”, travels the world teaching her Nine Essentials Of Significant Leadership” to businesses and individuals who seek to become better leaders.
In this exclusive JumpStart interview you’ll learn:
* The difference between success and significance
* The Nine Essentials of Significant Leadership and how to apply them to your life
* How to lead with compassion and integrity rather than fear and intimidation
And, read Lauren’s FREE white paper on the new model for leadership:
Join me LIVE Every Weekday Morning at 8 AM Eastern on Facebook:

Friday Mar 18, 2022
JumpStart - Zeigarnik effect
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Have you ever wondered why stressing over your “To Do” list seems to affect your mind more than the tasks you’ve completed?
Have you noticed that your mind seems to NEED to label things in your environment?
Have you struggled with feeling good about what you’ve accomplished rather than stressing out over what’s outstanding?
The answer is the Zeigarnik effect and you and I both struggle with it daily.
However, once we realize our connection to this psychological effect, we can begin to master it -- starting NOW.
Join me LIVE Every Weekday Morning at 8 AM Eastern on Facebook:

Friday Mar 18, 2022
JumpStart - Having a Great Day
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Remember back several decades ago when, I think it was McDonald’s, began saying, “Have a great day” when you received your meal?
I remember some cynical pushback the initial use of that happy phrase but now it seems “Have a great day” is part of our customer service lexicon.
The question is: are we actually having “great days”?
For many people the answer is “no” and that’s why Steve Beck is with us today.
Steve is author of the book “How to Have a Great Day Every Day!” and he has plenty of hands-on experience helping businesses, schools, associations and organizations reach and sustain excellence. Learn…
* What makes a Great Day? * How you can have a Great Day Every Day * The one thing you can do to have a Great Day Every Day? * The secret to feeling great and minimizing stress and anxiety
Learn more about Steve at www.beckseminars.com
Now, let’s all learn how to Have A Great Day Every Day…
Join me LIVE Every Weekday Morning at 8 AM Eastern on Facebook:

Friday Mar 11, 2022
JumpStart - The Myth of “Time Management”
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Jones Loflin, my guest on Today’s JumpStart, has made it his life’s work to deliver powerful ideas and practical solutions to help people make the best choices with their time and he’s here to share…
* How "time management" isn't really possible. Tell me more about what you mean by that?
* In his book Juggling Elephants, Jones says that we need to be the "ringmasters of our own circus” and you’ll learn how to do just that
* How to feel less overwhelmed and approach both your life and work with more sanity
Get a FREE copy of Jones’s eBook Eight Strategies To Improve Your
Work Life Success In 2022: https://bit.ly/3H7wD7F
If you’re ready to feel less stressed and overwhelmed, then you might find just what you’re looking for in my interview with the amazing Jones Loflin…
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Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
JumpStart - Overcoming Depression
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Wednesday Mar 09, 2022
Have you ever woken up depressed?
My mom called it “Waking up on the wrong side of the bed” and believe me it's no fun.
It seems that if you wake up feeling sad and defeated, those emotions stay with you for the rest of the day and can even linger over into the next.
If you've ever woken up depressed, or sad, I'm going to share with you a recent “blinding flash of the obvious” I had and how it changed my mornings and as a result my every day.
This is Big Stuff!
Don't miss it…
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