Monday Jun 08, 2020
JumpStart - Race
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
During the filming of the original Planet of the Apes movie in 1968, a surprising social experiment took place.
Hundreds of extras were made up to be either a chimp, a gorilla, or an orangutan and not only did their appearance change but so did their social order.
I’ll explain what happened but more importantly I’ll give you a fine-tuned understanding of how it helps us understand George Floyd’s murder and the protests going on around the world.
If you’re sickened by what’s happening, this will give you perspective and peace.
Just remember there’s only one race -- the human race.
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Jumpstart: Your Inner Miroslav
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
As you can see, the quality of my videos has been improving steadily over time.
I put in a lot of hours to try and figure out how to improve things but in the background has been someone helping me - my producer Miroslav.
Miroslav lives in Serbia and has always blown me away with his conscientious work and his bright and bubbly attitude.
In this JumpStart, I share with you his story and what you and I can learn from him to improve our own lives.
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
JumpStart- Grate Expectations
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
Thursday Jun 04, 2020
“You won’t always get what you want in life, but in the long run you’ll get what you expect.” - Denis Waitley
We can write down our goals, journal, pray, have a coach, and still we will not accomplish what we want if we don’t expect to do so.
Expectation is a powerful force that is linked to faith.
If I lives aren’t working, it’s time to change our expectations.
And, only you can change them.
Starting today, let us expect better so that the things we receive are truly great, rather than grate on our nerves.
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Jumpstart - Miracles
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Wednesday Jun 03, 2020
Just like you, I have been affected financially and emotionally by the pandemic.
And just like you, I have not been aware of the full effects it has had on me.
However, I have experienced a true miracle and I want to share it with you.
People who I am supposed to be serving have instead been serving me every single day and loving and creative ways - supporting my dreams and visions, while building a community.
In this JumpStart, I introduce you to these amazing people and tell you how they have given me something to look forward to every day.
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
JumpStart- Positivity Bias
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Tuesday Jun 02, 2020
Psychologists all agree that human beings are driven by a negativity bias.
And it makes sense because being on the defense is what has kept human beings alive — defending ourselves against nature and defending ourselves against each other.
In my opinion, things are the way they are because we have not evolved past our negativity bias.
Negativity plus tribalism equals chaos.
If you’re ready to expand your mind into the concept of a positivity bias, then this is your JumpStart!
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com
Monday Jun 01, 2020
JumpStart - A Surprise Gift
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Monday Jun 01, 2020
Today’s JumpStart is a surprise.
I’ve got something I want to share with you and it must be done without you having forewarning.
It’s truly a gift -- a message that will be as impactful and powerful as all of my JumpStarts (actually, a lot more so probably) so watch this and see if you don’t feel AMAZING afterwards.
If you’re watching this live, you’re watching it during one of the most frightening times in U.S. history -- the re-opening of most businesses.
If you think realizing we were in a pandemic was frightening, going back out is terrifying!
Well, relax because I’m about to give you something that will have you feeling more peaceful, happy, and calm throughout this chaotic day.
I am and know you will be, too!
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com
Friday May 29, 2020
JumpStart - Frigates
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Have you ever heard of a type of bird called a frigate?
I hadn’t, until I moved to the Florida keys and now I see them all the time and they are amazing!
With wingspans of up to 8 feet, the frigate is built to spend it’s life on the air drifting from one wind current to the next never coming down even to eat or sleep.
I’m working on becoming an emotional frigate.
I want to keep my emotions soaring for longer periods of time and not let other birds bring me down.
How about you?
Today, let’s explore elevating our spirits and keeping our mood soaring just like a frigate.
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com
Thursday May 28, 2020
JumpStart - Your Real Job
Thursday May 28, 2020
Thursday May 28, 2020
I got my first job almost 50 years ago and it took me decades to realize that all jobs have one thing in common.
And I don’t just mean paying jobs, I also mean parenting, volunteering, social work, all of these have one thing in common.
Your real job is to be in a good mood most of the time.
I know we can all think of lots exceptions - people who hate their jobs and the people they serve.
However, given the chance management will always hire someone with an upbeat personality rather than someone who is sour and unhappy.
And presented with the chance, leaders will always replace that person with someone more sanguine.
So, let’s talk about how to become that happy, contributing, upbeat person.
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com
Wednesday May 27, 2020
JumpStart - Specificity
Wednesday May 27, 2020
Wednesday May 27, 2020
People like to slam the movie and book ”The Secret“ but I find it’s only the people who have not put its teachings into practice.
My good friend Joe Vitale reminds us that the universe deals in specificity.
In other words, it’s not enough to simply want “a car“ we must know specifically the type of car we want to attract what we want to us.
Our lists should also include things we do not want put in a positive sense – if that’s confusing to you, don’t worry I unpack it all in today’s jumpstart.
Today let’s learn to be specific and then our specificity draws to us the people, experiences, and life we desire.
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com
Tuesday May 26, 2020
JumpStart - Goals
Tuesday May 26, 2020
Tuesday May 26, 2020
One of the tragic losses of the COVID-19 outbreak has been the loss of people's goals and ambition.
Myself included.
It is so tempting to focus on the challenge at hand rather than the reward to come and yet it takes a positive focus to hasten the reward.
Today I want to invite you to dust off your goals (or create some if you haven’t) that inspire you.
For human life not to feel beaten down we must have something that pulls us forward.
Today I’ll share a story of how a driving instructor taught me the importance of goals and how simply and easily you can create goals for yourself.
*** LINKS ***
Members-Only, daily LIVE meditation with Will: www.ComplaintFreeMeditation.com
Members-Only, exclusive access to Will: www.ComplaintFreeLife.com
Website: www.WillBowen.com
Facebook: www.Facebook.com/WillBowen
YouTube Channel: www.WillBowenVideo.com
Podcast: www.WillBowenPodcast.com