
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
JumpStart - Dermboy
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
Tuesday Aug 16, 2022
The largest organ you have is your skin and yet, sadly, most people don't take good enough care of their skin.
My guest on Today's JumpStart is Dr. Brian Matthys and he's bee not only my dermatologist for many years but also a good friend.
In addition to his work as a physician, Brian is also an inventor and author and in this JumpStart I'm excited to talk to Brian about his new children's book "Dermboy Saves Vacation: An Adventure in Sun Safety."
Learn more and order the book at www.Dermboy.com.
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Thursday Jun 23, 2022
JumpStart - True Inspiration
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
Thursday Jun 23, 2022
My first job out of college was selling advertising for a local radio station.
I loved the station, I loved my coworkers, and I loved getting to drive around the city and talk to prospective clients; but, there was one problem: I was TERRIBLE at my job.
My boss summed it up this way, “Will, you’re able to get a lot of people up to the horse but nobody wants to ride.”
In other words, I had worked for the station for nearly 6 months, and yet I’d not sold a single radio commercial.
Then one day, I began listening to cassettes by a sales trainer and motivational speaker name Joel Weldon and with his help, I learned to change my attitude and my approach so much that within a few months I was the top salesperson.
That’s why I’m thrilled for today’s interview because I get to share with yo the man who made such a difference in my life and my success.
Joel Weldon joins me to discuss tips for success and how people sabotage themselves by complaining about their customers.
You’re going to be inspired and learn some practical tips for better living from one of the all-time greats -- Joel Weldon!
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Friday May 27, 2022
JumpStart - The Messy Middle of Change
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
Change is a great dichotomy, we all desire change, and, at the same time, we fear change.
All growth comes from change but we tend to avoid change at all costs.
My guest on this JumpStart is Randy Pennington, a self-described "organizational and leadership nerd", who helps leaders deliver positive results in a world of uncertainty and change.
Randy and I discuss:
* Why do both people and organizations struggle to make change work on a consistent basis?
* What does it take for us to begin the process of change?
* There is a tremendous amount of uncertainty in the world today. What tips can you provide to help us flourish in the face of adversity?
3 Master Change download packs from Randy are available at: https://www.penningtongroup.com/results-rule-recource/
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Thursday May 26, 2022
JumpStart - Influence
Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
The word “influence” gets batted around a lot these days but what does it mean to be an influencer?
The definition of influence is “The capacity of a person to be a compelling force on the actions, behaviors, and opinions of others.”
We all want to influence others and we also want to be wary of the influence others have over us, right?
Well, you’re going to learn how to do both in today’s JumpStart.
My guest is Stacey Hanke -- the CEO of a highly sought-after consulting and training company mentoring leaders who want to ensure their employees perceive them as an influential leader.
Her 20 years of studying influence across cultures and industries, and leading large corporate teams makes Stacey the perfect fit for organizations large and small that are ready to influence on a consistent basis.
Among other things, Stacey answers:
* What are the biggest mistakes individuals make that diminish their influence?
* Why do most individuals believe they're more influential than they really are?
* What action steps can you take today to begin enhancing your influence virtually, in-person, and during hybrid interactions?
Take advantage of more of Stacey’s wisdom at: https://staceyhankeinc.com/blog/
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Wednesday May 25, 2022
JumpStart - Stop Being Overwhelmed
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
We all know that we can only do one thing effectively at a time, right?
But while we’re doing something -- even things of the highest importance, our minds are strategizing other things we feel we need to be doing.
All of this mental stress on top of an already busy life leads to our feeling overwhelmed.
If you’re ready to stop being overwhelmed, my guest Jerome Wade, CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) explains:
* Whether it's leading, selling, managing, or living on empty, what are some of the causes that you have identified?
* What are two or three steps you can take to overcome being overwhelmed?
* The single greatest discovery that will fuel your ability to create the life and success you want
Find out more about Jerome at www.JeromeWade.com
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Monday May 23, 2022
Jumpstart – Speakers’ Bootcamp
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Professional speakers need help to master the art, business, and content of speaking, and my guest on today’s JumpStart Frank Furness is a master in all areas of speaking.
Frank is an International Keynote speaker and specialist on sales and social media. He has presented in 69 countries and has also run his 'Speakers Bootcamp' on 5 continents in 40 cities.
We discuss…
- How the world of sales and marketing changed
- What you can do to get the most from LinkedIn
- How you can use video marketing to optimize your business
- Speakers Bootcamp
If you’ve wondered about professional speaking as a career, here’s your chance to learn from a pro!
Join me LIVE Every Weekday Morning at 8 AM Eastern on Facebook:

Monday May 16, 2022
Jumpstart – Adultitis
Monday May 16, 2022
Monday May 16, 2022
“I won't grow up, I don't wanna go to school, just to learn to be a parent, and recite a golden rule.”
Those were the first words I ever said on stage, actually, I sang those words as a Lost Boy in a community production of Peter Pan.
When we were kids, anything seemed possible.
The sad corollary to that is, as we get older, more things seem impossible--this is called Adultitis.
My guest on today's jumpstart is Jason Kotecki -- an artist, author, and professional speaker.
Jason and his wife Kim founded Escape Adulthood and they have made it their mission in life to help people break free from Adultitis to build better lives, businesses, and teams.
Learn more at www.EscapeAdulthood.com
Join me LIVE Every Weekday Morning at 8 AM Eastern on Facebook:

Friday May 13, 2022
Jumpstart – Real Estate
Friday May 13, 2022
Friday May 13, 2022
They call it “real estate” for a reason -- it’s real, and it’s estate, and it has historically become more valuable over time.
Leigh Brown, my guest on today’s JumpStart is a successful REALTOR®, forward-thinking CEO, #1 best-selling author, honest coach, and kickin’ keynote speaker.
We take a deep into real estate and discuss
* Why women are real estate naturals
* Closing chapters to open up new opportunities
* Housing and Property Rights Issues we all face
And be sure to download Leigh’s Dream Year Guide:
Join me LIVE Every Weekday Morning at 8 AM Eastern on Facebook:

Wednesday May 11, 2022
Jumpstart – A Hospitality Revival
Wednesday May 11, 2022
Wednesday May 11, 2022
These are tumultuous times for the hospitality industry.
People demanding higher wages, and many people even leaving the hospitality industry after decades of service.
My guest today, James Henderson, says that it is time for a hospitality revival.
It is time for us to look at the hospitality industry in a whole new way and to create an environment that provides the service people want while respecting the servers who provide that service.
We are all impacted by the service industry.
I think you’re going to find this to be an eye-opening interview…
Join me LIVE Every Weekday Morning at 8 AM Eastern on Facebook:

Tuesday May 10, 2022
Jumpstart – Introverts
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
One of the best definitions I’ve ever heard for understanding introverts and extroverts is:
An introvert thinks, speaks, and thinks again.
Whereas, an extrovert speaks, thinks, and then speaks again.
In today’s jumpstart, I explore this idea as well as how my guest, Jennifer B. Kahnweiler, came to be a champion for introverts around the world.
We discuss:
* Do opposites really attract?
* 3 key ways introverts and extroverts can make their partnerships work
* What organizations can do to get the best out of both introverts and extroverts?
Whether you are an introvert or an extrovert, you’re going to find lots of useful tips for better living…
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