
Wednesday May 04, 2022
JumpStart - INVERSITY™
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Wednesday May 04, 2022
Ask yourself, “Do you want to be perfect or do you want to be happy?”
Secretly we tend to think, when I become perfect, THEN I’ll be happy, right?
But, my guest in today’s JumpStart Karith Foster says that being happy and being perfect are miles apart.
Karith is the CEO of Inversity Solutions, LLC & Founder of F.R.A.M.E the Foster Russell Alliance for Meaningful Expression a 501(c)3 non-profit, whose mission is to inspire free speech, inclusion, social change and empowerment through education and mentorship on college and university campuses.
She is a radio/TV personality who has appeared on Comedy Central, Oprah, VH-1, The Today Show and The View. Her humorous and thoughtful TEDx Talk The Art of Defying Stereotypes: Learning to be True to Your Voice has garnered accolades nationwide.
We discuss:
* What Inspired her to write her book "You Can Be Perfect or You Can Be Happy?
* How this ties into diversity and inclusion
* The concept of Inversity™?
Check out her web sites www.karith.com and www.InversitySolutions.com
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Monday May 02, 2022
JumpStart - Overcoming
Monday May 02, 2022
Monday May 02, 2022
Remember Sisyphus?
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was condemned to roll a large boulder up a hill only to then watch it roll back down again in an eternal cycle of near success followed by failure.
Can you relate?
Well, if you’re ready to stop struggling and to overcome your problems, then you’re going to love this interview with Carole Copeland Thomas.
Carole Copeland Thomas is an award-winning TEDx speaker, trainer, and global thought leader and is the past president of The National Speakers Association-New England Chapter.
Carole has been featured in the New York Times, Boston Globe, Black Enterprise, ABC Radio, and CBS News.
We discuss:
* How her business has evolved and changed in 35 years
* Why diversity is such a relevant topic in today's marketplace
* How to overcome significant challenges in life
Find out more about Carole at www.carolecopelandthomas.com
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Monday Apr 25, 2022
JumpStart - Transformation
Monday Apr 25, 2022
Monday Apr 25, 2022
We all want to transform, right?
That is, we all want to become more, better, and happier in all of the areas of life that are important to us.
That’s why you read inspirational books and watch these daily JumpStarts -- because you want to transform; but, have you ever considered that maybe that’s not the way to transform.
Dr. Marcia Reynolds, my guest on today’s JumpStart, says transformation comes through conversation rather than personal reflection.
Reynolds is a past global president of the International Coaching Federation and a member of the elite ICF Circle of Distinction.
Her teaching and speaking take her around the world, remotely and live, delivering programs in 43 countries.
Global Gurus recognizes her as the # 5 coach in the world.
Her 4 published books include her latest international bestseller Coach the Person.
Some of the questions Marcia answers include…
- Why transformation happens in conversation, not personal reflection.
- What are the critical coaching skills to spark insights and new perspectives?
- What three elements are required for someone to create long-term change in their minds and actions?
Download Dr. Reynolds Tool Box for Effective Coaching at:
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Friday Apr 22, 2022
JumpStart - Slam Networking
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
What do you do when you’ve decided to become a professional speaker, you’ve worked and trained with the best (me, that is) but then…a pandemic strikes and your speaking opportunities dry up?
Well, if you’re Wendy Babcock you create a SUPER hot Facebook movement AND you create your own networking platform.
Wendy’s story is an amazing one and I’m honored to have her as a friend.
You’re going to get a LOT out of Wendy’s “woe to win” story and how she’s now impacting the lives of people worldwide.
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Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
JumpStart - D!SRUPT!ON
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Wednesday Apr 20, 2022
Today’s Jumpstart guest is Mike Rayburn.
Mike’s a two-time TED Talk presenter, a successful entrepreneur, and a member of the speaker hall of fame.
He’s been a featured artist on Sirius/ XM, has headlined on the strip in Las Vegas, and received standing ovations at all eight of his performances at Carnegie Hall.
Mike and I discuss
* The outcomes do you create for his Keynote clients
* D!SRUPT!ON-Peru, Sep 3-10
* What you might gain from this experience in Peru’s Sacred Valley
Receive a complimentary 30-minute strategy call with Mike by going to: http://www.calendly.com/mike-1110
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Monday Apr 18, 2022
JumpStart - Nice Bike
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
What happens when you mix thousands of tatt’d up Harley riders and one beige rental car?
The answer is a powerful concept called, “Nice Bike.”
My guest in this JumpStart is Mark Scharenbroich, Emmy award-winning speaker, who takes you for a fun ride on how to be effective at making meaningful connections in both your professional and personal life.
His Nice Bike principle is supported by three strong actions: Acknowledge, Honor, and Connect.
Mike shares:
* What "Nice Bike" is all about
* Examples of "Nice Bike" in action in both a school or business setting
* What we learned from Covid that we can apply to our lives
* How his speaking career evolved
* The most important skills we can develop we can learn to connect with others
* What differentiates the exceptional companies from the average ones
And, be sure to check out www.NiceBike.com
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Friday Apr 15, 2022
JumpStart - Raise Your EQ
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Friday Apr 15, 2022
Can I let you in on a little secret?
I have never had my IQ tested.
And, do you want to know why?
I don’t want to find out that I’m NOT as smart as I THINK I am -- LOL.
A person’s IQ has been used for many years to determine how well someone will do in life and yet a new science has quietly emerged over the last few decades, that of EQ - Emotional Quotient.
My guest on today’s JumpStart is Chris Fuller an international bestselling author, speaker, and consultant, among other things, we discuss:
* The #1 quality/characteristic of an effective leader
* How EQ impact your effectiveness
* How your wiring/personality impacts your EQ
Find out more about Chris at www.RightPath.com
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Thursday Apr 14, 2022
JumpStart - Becoming Positively Outrageous
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Thursday Apr 14, 2022
Today’s JumpStart guest is on a mission to teach the world to become “Positively Outrageous”.
Michael Hoffman has spent 30 years working with organizations on igniting and equipping cultures of ownership and people of influence.
Michael says that now, more than ever, we need to OWN our behaviors, interactions, and success.
We all need to be Positively Outrageous in our Service to others and Michael shows us how by answering...
* What he means by "Success is NOT on our DNA?"
* What is Positively Outrageous Service?
* What you can do today to be more Positively Outrageous in serving other people
* How to Love Louder
* What organizations can do to create a Positively Outrageous customer experience
Learn more about Michael at www.IgnitingPerformance.com
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Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
JumpStart - Feel Good Habits
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
If you’re struggling to feel good in life, then it’s time to examine your habits.
We can see how our physical habits, such as exercise, can change our body but we also need to notice the impact of our mental habits.
If you've struggled to develop happier habits then you're going to love this JumpStart guest.
Fed up with living a mediocre existence, Jody Urquhart decided to have a memorable life instead.
Her unyielding ambition fueled her into the world of stand-up comedy, a place where she learned to roll with the punchlines and turn life’s lemons into lemonade.
Her mission is simple, to eagerly empower worn-out professionals with humor, hindsight, and hallelujahs.
Jody is the author of the best-selling book "All Work & No Says" a tongue-in-cheek insight into the rat race and how to reveal joy.
* How to find more humor, hindsight, and hallelujahs in your own life
* Tips on finding your bliss
* How to avoid a hustle Hangover
Learn more about Jody Urquhart at www.IDoInspire.com
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Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
JumpStart - Improv e Your Life
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Tuesday Apr 12, 2022
Do you enjoy watching improv comedy?
I find it fascinating watching the comedians pass topics and characters back and forth attempting to increase the laughs and never drop the gag. It’s an amazing skill to master.
My guest in this JumpStart teaches you how to apply improvisational comedy principles to create a happier and more successful life.
Peter Margaritis, CPA, CSP, aka The Accidental Accountant®️, is the author of "Improv Is No Joke," "Taking The Numb Out of Numbers," and his newest book "Off Script: Mastering the Art of Business Improv."
One of Peter's missions is to have business leaders remember that we are in the people business first and he teaches how improv leadership strengthens that critical relationship.
* How he came to write the book "Off Scr!pt"?
* Examples of great leaders going "Off Scr!pt"
* The foundations of improv leadership
* How business improv can positively transform an organization
Get a free PDF version of Peter's book "Off Script: Mastering the Art of Business Improv" at www.petermargaritis.com
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